*Your Name

    *Your Email

    *Parents Phone Number


    [text_content "Parents and guardians need to be informed of provisions in the Emergency Operations Plan this letter will provide the information that they need. A copy of the letter should be given to parents of newly enrolled children and at least once per year to all parents."]

    [text_content* "To the Parent (s)/Guardian (s) of"]

    * Name of child

    [text_content "This letter is to ensure you of my concern for the safety and welfare of children attending Jeannie Peoples Child Care. The Emergency Operations Plan provides for response to all types of emergencies. Depending on the circumstance of the emergency, I will use one of the following protective actions:"]

    [text_content " - Immediate evacuation - Students are evacuated to a safe area down the block from the facility in the event of a fire, etc."]

    [text_content " - In-place sheltering - Sudden occurrences, weather or hazardous materials related may dictate that taking cover inside the building is the best immediate response."]

    [text_content " - Evacuation - Total evacuation of the facility may become necessary if there is a danger in the area. In this case children will be taken to Curwensville Rescue Hose and Ladder located at Filbert Street, Curwensville, PA 16833."]

    [text_content " - Modified Operation — May include cancellation/postponement or rescheduling of normal activities. These actions are normally taken in case of a winter storm or building problems that make it unsafe for students (such as utility disruptions) but may be necessary in a variety of situations."]

    [text_content "In the event of an emergency, I will call you as soon as it is safe to do so. At that time, you will be instructed in what the next step will be."]

    [text_content "The form designating persons to pick up your child is included with this letter for you to complete an have returned tomorrow. This form will be sued every time your child is released. Please ensure that only those persons you list on the form attempt to pick up your child."]

    [text_content "I specifically urge you not to attempt to make different arrangements during an emergency. This will only create additional confusion."]

    [text_content "In order to assure the safety of your children, I ask your understanding and cooperation. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to talk with me about them."]

    * Please sign

    * Today's Date